The movie begins with rich businessman Aditya Dewan and his wife, Siya, inaugurating a hospital in memory of his elder brother, Vikram Dewan. He shares a touching story of Vikram donating half of his liver to his friend Karan, who had a liver issue during childhood.
Out of the blue, a businessman named Saurav Singhania, gifts Aditya an expensive car and invites him and his wife for lunch. At lunch, Saurav makes an absurd deal of having sex with Siya in return for giving Aditya’s company a big profit. Aditya angrily rejects the offer. Saurav starts plotting to destroy Aditya’s business. He bribes one of Aditya’s factory workers to mix pesticides in his cola factory, forcing Aditya to shut down and leading him to put all the blame on his trusted employee Kaya.
Kaya flies to Malaysia where Saurav relates a fake story about how his sister committed suicide because of Aditya. Kaya and Saurav have sex and she agrees to help him. Aditya asks Kaya to deliver money to a politician but this is revealed to be a trap and Kaya is accused. To help her Saurav asks her to call Aditya and tell him that she no longer wants to be his pawn. When Kaya is upset at having falsely implicated Aditya, Saurav kills her and puts the blame on Aditya. Seeing all the evidence go against Aditya, Siya decides to have sex with Saurav. It is revealed that Vikram was killed by his brother Aditya so he could become chairman of the company. Siya poisons Saurav and leaves with proof of Aditya’s innocence in Kaya’s death